I was so thrilled to get to photograph fellow photographer
Rachel Hadiashar and her little family on a recent fall day. Unfortunately for us, the weather had other ideas. We were originally slated to travel to an apple orchard, but with the iffy forecast, we stuck closer to home, visiting a smaller orchard in the local Arboretum instead. Though misty, the weather held, and we were able to capture some family interaction. Little Tahmures, who could not be cuter with his mop of curls and dimples, is currently in a "Daddy" phase, and stuck close to his Papa, and even got a little surly when his mama came too close. It took a few fall leaves tossed in the air, but he finally came around.
Kersten is such a good photographer! She quietly works her magic in even the most challenging of circumstances! Our 18 month old was NOT feeling particularly cooperative and the weather really was misty and interesting... Kersten was laying in the mud and wet grass for us, charming my son, and doing her thing. Love working with you KGP!
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